Rhonda Patrick mentioned Life Force by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis 2 times

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Life Force by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis
  1. New podcast episode with @PeterDiamandis and @TonyRobbins on their new book Life Force, GRAIL cancer screening blood test, longevity escape velocity, the $101M Age reversal XPrize, space travel, gene therapy, organogenesis, and more!https://youtu.be/6OyynalpLLI

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2022-03-09 on twitter.com
  2. Dr. Peter Diamandis is a serial entrepreneur and founder of XPRIZE, a non-profit organization that designs and conducts global competitions that incentivize the development of technological breakthroughs that propel humanity toward a better future. Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, philanthropist, and business strategist. He provides business and life coaching to millions of people worldwide through his audio programs, educational videos, and live seminars. Diamandis and Robbins are a dynamic duo, having paired up with co-author Dr. Robert Hariri to write Life Force, a best-selling book that describes breakthroughs in precision medicine and health technologies that can help people live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives – in the very near future.

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2022-03-09 on foundmyfitness.com