Rhonda Patrick mentioned The Telomere Effect by Elizabeth Blackburn, Elissa Epel 1 times

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The Telomere Effect by Elizabeth Blackburn, Elissa Epel
  1. Elissa Epel, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. She serves in many roles, including director of the Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Center; director of the Consortium for Obesity Assessment, Study, & Treatment, (COAST); Associate Director of the Center for Health and Community; president-elect of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research; and steering council member for the Mind & Life Institute. Dr. Epel's research centers on the mechanisms of healthy aging and the associations between stress, telomere length, addiction, eating, and metabolic health. She and her colleagues are currently collaborating in clinical trials investigating the effects of self-regulation and mindfulness training on cellular aging, weight, diet, and glucose control. In 2017, she co-authored the New York Times best-selling book The Telomere Effect with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn. Click here for an Amazon affiliate link to The Telomere Effect.

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2019-06-10 on foundmyfitness.com