Rhonda Patrick mentioned Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss 2 times

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Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
  1. I'm late to the party with @tferriss book! I enjoy Tim's writing and have for quite a while, but… https://www.instagram.com/p/BNwyr-clhIN/

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2016-12-08 on twitter.com
  2. I enjoy Tim's writing and have for quite a while, but his most recent book is basically just a large (very large) collection of his notes cut down to the most interesting bits from all of his podcast guests. Some of which have been super awesome (ahem, page 6), which means that there's really something in there for everyone since it covers a pretty large number of topics. Also, the foreword is actually written by @schwarzenegger which is pretty cool.

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2016-12-08 on instagram.com