Rhonda Patrick mentioned True Age by Morgan Levine 2 times

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True Age: Cutting-Edge Research to Help Turn Back the Clock by Morgan Levine
  1. Congratulations, @DrMorganLevine! You can find her book (now out) at https://www.amazon.com/True-Age-Cutting-Edge-Research-Clock/dp/0593329287 A deep dive on Morgan’s fascinating work can also be found in our recent podcast together on the FoundMyFitness channel. Episode 72 https://twitter.com/agingdoc1/status/1521124390796251136

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2022-05-03 on twitter.com
  2. Thank you for sharing the episode, David! (You, too, @ydeigin!) It was a great privilege having @DrMorganLevine come on to talk about some of the most exciting advances in the field of aging. Her new book comes out May 3rd:https://www.amazon.com/True-Age-Cutting-Edge-Research-Clock/dp/0593329287

    — Rhonda Patrick

    2022-04-29 on twitter.com