Ryan Holiday mentioned American Caesar by William Manchester 4 times

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American Caesar by William Manchester
  1. Have you read the William Manchester biography of of MacArthur [...] It's incredible!

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-07-09 on youtube.com
  2. The best books I read this year. Thanks @austinkleon and @susanorlean and among others. If you want reading recommendations, sign up for the reading list email at https://t.co/9yuC15FLai. Can’t believe it is in its tenth year. https://t.co/dXeMpcFjsj pic.twitter.com/m7gEc6NDpF

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-12-15 on twitter.com
  3. Six weeks on the road for the new book. This is what I managed to read. https://t.co/X030F0JM5i pic.twitter.com/mJTHp6RMQ1

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-11-13 on twitter.com
  4. Great question. I think it's complicated. If you read the new Chernow book he paints a nuanced picture of Grant's presidency that I found quite compelling. At the same time, it's clear Grant did not do the work on himself required to be a great President. Eisenhower made the transition from soldier to statesman. Grant didn't quite get there. Ego had something to do with it. Naïveté did as well. [...] Very tough. I think Manchester and Caro are tied. Chernow is third. The first two are more poetic and beautiful in their prose. They seem to really get inside the skin of their subjects.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-10-29 on reddit.com