Ryan Holiday mentioned Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy 4 times

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Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
  1. Courage is also asking for help. This is a little book I like to read to my young children, it's called The Boy The Fox The Horse and the mole and he says asking for help isn't giving up - it is refusing to give up.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-06-14 on youtube.com
  2. I love the book The boy, The Fox, The Horse and The Mole by Charlie Mackey, who I had on the Daily Stoic podcast and he has a great line in that book he says asking for help isn't giving up it's actually refusing to give up don't be afraid to be vulnerable don't be afraid to ask for help

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-01-05 on youtube.com
  3. I love the book The Boy The Fox The Horse And The Mole by Charlie Mackesy who I had on the Daily Stoic podcast and he has a great line in that book he says asking for help isn't giving up it's actually refusing to give up

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-08-19 on youtube.com
  4. On the @dailystoic podcast, I spoke with author @charliemackesy about his book - The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, the process of writing and creating the book, how beautiful and rare it is to find contentment, and more! Full Podcast: https://t.co/XOu4TINs2L pic.twitter.com/Pwaczen5xn

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-05-30 on twitter.com