Ryan Holiday mentioned The Discourses of Epictetus by Epictetus 6 times

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The Discourses of Epictetus by Epictetus
  1. Epictetus one of the great philosophers of all time from the great stoics of all time he summarizes his own book when he says the chief task in life is to separate things that are in our control from those that are not in our control.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-03-23 on youtube.com
  2. Two other quick recommendations Tom Wolfe's fantastic novel a man in full is actually based on the writings of Epictetus it's a beautiful inspiring novel it should be read by everyone who's interested in studying philosophy.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-03-03 on youtube.com
  3. I first read Epictetus almost 15 years ago now. He changed my life when I first encountered him.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-01-08 on youtube.com
  4. I asked for a book recommendation and he recommended that I read Epictetus, Stockdales favorite

    — Ryan Holiday

    2020-05-17 on youtube.com
  5. It's awesome to see people reading Marcus Aurelius and Seneca and Epictetus and I feel like I am paying forward what was done for me.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-10-29 on reddit.com

  6. I was first introduced to stoicism by Dr. Drew, of all people. I was in college and I was invited to a small, private summit of college journalists that Dr. Drew, then the host of Loveline, was hosting. After it ended I asked him “I heard you read a lot. What should I read?” He told me to check out the stoic philosopher Epictetus.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2017-08-16 on reddit.com