Ryan Holiday mentioned The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 5 times

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  1. Re-Read The Masters You were in high school when you read The Great Gatsby for the first time. You were just a kid when you read The Count of Monte Cristo or had someone tell you the story of Odysseus. The point is: You got it right? You read them. You’re done, right? Nope. We cannot be content to simply pick up a book once and judge it by that experience. It’s why we have to read and re-read.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-05-11 on ryanholiday.net

  2. Some books I’ve read and re-read many times: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius The Moviegoer by Walker Percy The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene The Little Girl at the Window by Totto-Chan

    — Ryan Holiday

    2020-07-03 on twitter.com
  3. Two of my favorite novels - "what makes Sammy run" and "Great Gatsby"

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-11-28 on youtube.com
  4. Some of the books that have changed my life and had the most influence on me: The Power Broker by Robert Caro, 48 Laws of Power, The Black Swan, life is unpredictable. Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club. Four Hour Work Week - Huge! 33 Strategies of War, obviously Robert Greene's Mastery. Pia Mellody, one of my favorite authors [Facing Codependence]. This biography of John D Rockefeller, maybe you remember it from The Obstacle is the way? This book by John Boyd [...] Malcolm X the autobiography, Great Gatsby, What Makes Sammy Run. A friend of mine recommended this biography William Lee Miller on President Lincoln. It was one of the books that changed his life. Had totally changed how I thought about leadership. The War of Art, Turning Pro - two favorites from Steven Pressfield. Haruki Murakami's book on running 'What I talk about when I talk about running'. Ellison's Invisible Man. Again another book from Pia Mellody [Facing Love Addiction]. Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things. Thích Nhất Hạnh's Taming the Tiger Within. The Brass Check - this book inspired the name of my marketing company and my book Trust Me I'm Lying. This is one of my copies of Meditations. Why Don't We Learn From History by BH Liddell Hart. Prescription For Adversity, a strange book biography of Ambrose Bierce that I like. Candide, interesting story I stole this from where I got married they had this on the shelf. I read it while I was waiting for my wife to get ready to get married and I thought hey I'm keeping this. [...] Second Mountain, this is a new addition to the shelf. Dr. Drew [The Mirror Effect] who introduced me to stoicism, Great! This is a cool book -Lincoln: the Biography of a Writer it's an analysis of Lincoln as if he was a writer. This book: Strategy by BH Liddell Hart influenced how I think about strategy.John Graves Hard Scrabble, influenced how I think about my farm. Fishing For Fun is a new book, I just read by Herbert Hoover about the philosophical benefits of fishing and yes Herbert Hoover, the president. Chesterfield's letters to his son [...] Seth Godin's the Dip, great book. Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves To Death. Jane Jacobs also amazing. Daniel Boorstin, great. Death Be Not Proud, beautiful book. So these are some of the books, it's my life shelf. [...] Oh Austin Kleon's Steal Like An Artist, great! The Way To Love by Anthony De Mello.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2019-11-28 on youtube.com
  5. I've also read The Great Gatsby five or six times.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2017-08-16 on reddit.com