Ryan Holiday mentioned The inner citadel by Pierre Hadot 6 times

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The inner citadel by Pierre Hadot
  1. I like Donald Robertson's book *How To Think Like a Roman Emperor* but the best book about Stoicism that's not written by one of the Stoics has got to be *The Inner Citadel* by Pierre Hadot.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-03-05 on reddit.com

  2. The “inner citadel” is a concept that comes to us from Marcus Aurelius. The Stoics believed you’ll have far better luck toughening yourself up than you ever will trying to take the teeth out of a world that is—at best—indifferent to your existence. So the inner citadel is the fortress inside of us that no external adversity can ever break down. An important caveat is that we are not born with such a structure; it must be built and actively reinforced. During the good times, we strengthen ourselves and our bodies so that during the difficult times, we can depend on it. We protect our inner fortress so it may protect us.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-01-20 on ryanholiday.net

  3. My book the Obstacle is the Way, it began because I took a note card from a book called .... Pierre Hadot where he talks about turning the obstacles upside down.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-06-20 on youtube.com
  4. First I read Meditations, so I read the quote there "the impediment to action advances action which stands in the way becomes the way", so I first read the quote there then I read Pierre Hadot's The Inner Citadel and it's in this that he calls that exercise turning obstacles upside down

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-06-06 on youtube.com
  5. I like The Inner Citadel a lot. Memoirs of Hadrian. Donald Robertson's book is also very good

    — Ryan Holiday

    2021-04-18 on reddit.com

  6. I happen to have this book in front of me because I was talking about it an earlier question this is Pierre Hadot. He's a French philosopher. He wrote a fantastic book about Marcus Aurelius called The Inner Citadel: the meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2020-02-01 on youtube.com