Ryan Holiday mentioned The Odyssey by Homer 2 times

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The Odyssey by Homer
  1. Re-Read The Masters You were in high school when you read The Great Gatsby for the first time. You were just a kid when you read The Count of Monte Cristo or had someone tell you the story of Odysseus. The point is: You got it right? You read them. You’re done, right? Nope. We cannot be content to simply pick up a book once and judge it by that experience. It’s why we have to read and re-read.

    — Ryan Holiday

    2022-05-11 on ryanholiday.net

  2. Another interesting thing is like we so baby our kids when it comes to books, meanwhile you know 1500 years ago our kids would have been able to recite the Odyssey and they would have read you know Xenophon and they would have read all these crazy, you know, stories about war and history and dragons and demons and now we're like here let me let me tell you this book about a kid making pizza

    — Ryan Holiday

    2020-10-18 on youtube.com